Friday, March 8, 2013


1. Does your family coordinate clothing for church on holidays like Easter?

In the past I have not, but this is the first year we have two kids.  I have been looking at the little Easter dresses and drooling over them, but our spending is a little bit controlled right now since I am still not working, so I am waiting for them to go on sale.  I may get Austin a little suit that matches her dress, that would be cute.

2. How do you get out of a funk?

Usually I just let time go by.  I am generally a pretty upbeat person, and if something gets me down I just get over it eventually.  I was in a funk on Wednesday this week, I took Austin to the library for story hour and got sad looking around at the 20 other moms there thinking about how I'm new here and how I long to meet them and get to know them, but for a while I won't have any close friends with meaningful relationships.  I also later in the day came down with a cold, so I think I was also starting to feel sick which didn't help.

3. Online friends - real friendships or not?

I definitely think you can end up having real friendships with people you meet online.  I think it's just another way to meet people, and sometimes you get to know the people in more depth.  I met a woman at WebMD parenting /pregnancy message boards and she also blogs, so I feel like in many ways I know her more than the friends I have really met because we have talked so much about parenting and she shares a lot about their family on her blog.  

4. What is the one food you must eat in a restaurant (not make yourself)?

California rolls.  I love them, but I don't think I could make them.  I went to a party at a friends a couple years ago and she tried to make them, but they were dry and not very flavorful.  

5. What would happen in your home if you ran out of ketchup?

Dustin and I would have no problem, but Austin loves ketchup, and it is often how I can get him to eat things he's not so interested in.  

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm sorry you felt bad the other day! There is a facebook group of moms from there and I'll send you the link. Maybe you could make friends that way. :)


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